Llegan a SFO Uber a Pali Hotel (about $40)
SABADO 24 - Weather SF - Semi soleado - low 55 - high 77 (local's tip: wear layers)
-SF peeps (Jose-Joa-Ana-Danny) pueden ir caminando al Ferry Building (10 -15 min walk) a tomar café en Blue Bottle
"Can't beat it Blue Bottle Coffee ... coffee fanatics paradise. Ask for a pour-over; the taste is superb. They have several locations in San Francisco. Go to the one in the Ferry Building, then sit outside on the dock."
El sábado tienen farmers market y en el edificio hay varias opciones para un desayuno "light-on-the-go" como helado con cornflakes y bourbon :) Joa y Ana... just saying.
-Jose y yo guiamos para SF y los encontramos en el Ferry Building como a las 10:00? (todos van a tener jet-lag y se van a levantar temprano :)))))​
-Del Ferry Building caminamos a Fisherman's Wharf (touristy but we can stroll through it) .
-Podemos ir aquí :))))
-Luego vamos caminando a Fort Mason
-De allí llegamos a Chesnut st para un late lunch.
(Aqui los que quieran pueden ir a las tienditas y otros se pueden sentar en una barrita.)
-luego caminamos por la marina a ver el Golden Gate Bridge
-Uber back to Ferry Building (and our car) and drive to dinner.
-Uber to Dinner: Fiorella Polk (pizza) 7:45
DOMINGO 25 - Weather SF - Soleado - low 54 - high 74 (local's tip: wear layers)
(Uber-DRIVE TO) Desayuno, nos encontramos en Tartine 10-11 - and visit to Heith
(DRIVE TO) Paseo por Mission y Castro. Lunch here Le Marais Bakery in Castro? or ??
(DRIVE TO) Pasar por Height Ashbury for a drink or shop, or pot, or a tat? Fun Fact: Parada 22
Maybe walk to Golden Gate Park through hippie hill?
(DRIVE TO) Mollusk Surf Shop (M-S 10-6) (Wiwi's suggestion)
(DRIVE TO) Sutro Baths + cute store (9-5) Vista point and or mini mini hike.
(DRIVE TO) Regresamos al hotel (TIEMPO LIBRE!!!!!)
y cena en : 8:00 @ fiorella (pizza)
OR:... Hice una reserva aquí (Violets) a las 7:00 pm (famous for its burgers)
LUNES 26 - Weather SF - Semi nublado - low 55 - high 72 (local's tip: wear layers)
Desayuno Sweet Maple (yummm) 10-11
Bicicleta por el Golden Gate Bridge a Sausalito 12-3
y / o visita al MOMA ( hours 10-5) para los que no quieran bici or both?
Dinner reservations 8:30 PM Coqueta (Spanish food) Embarcadero.
Chinatown (cool place for drinks)
-Chinatown's got panda-themed toys and edible straight-from-China snacks in spades. For more selective customers though, many of the neighborhood's shops can feel overwhelming. To find the Chinese gifts and goodies you actually want, try the well appointed, three-level Canton Bazaar(616 Grant Ave.) where they sell everything from home decor and antiques to art and clothing. // Across the street, the Bargain Bazaar (667 Grant Ave) deals in souvenirs, toys, and other small gifts. // Also on Grant is one of Chinatown's most modern shops, Kim + Ono(729 Grant Ave.), which specializes in gorgeous handcrafted silk kimonos along with some beauty products. // If you're looking for fresh produce and harder-to-find Asian delicacies like cordyceps and fat choy, check out Chung Chou City Inc.(1230 Stockton St.) or Dai Lee Food Inc.(878 Washington St.).
Lombart St (Pasamos en carro en cualquier momento)
Y World Market Store (la d SF cerró, pero hay en SC)
SF Extras:
Valencia St (mission) fun restaurants:
Happy Hour here: El Techo (mission M-F 4-6)
Fun Dinner here: Pawn Shop (T-S 5-10)
MARTES 27 - Weather Napa-Sonoma - Semi nublado - low 55 - high 84 (local's tip: wear layers)
Wineries here we come!
Paramos aquí para comprar y hacer un picnic
BBQ en la casa
*por si acaso... otros wineries near by:
Bicicletas 9:30 ishhhhhh
Concierto Jack Johnson
Chill en Sonoma, podemos pasar por Berkley (shopping cool shopping st) o Marin County ( Muir Woods )de regreso a Santa Cruz.
27- Darioush a las 10:45 y Maldonado el 28 a las 3:00.
Si tienen alguna opinion o sugerencia para los dias en SF lo pueden escribir aquà -M